The First Step — Data Journey

Mboche Esther
4 min readJan 29, 2024

I am a lover of stories. You will find me buried in books, binge-listening to podcasts, and even attending theater plays and poetry readings to satisfy this need. Growing up, I have been drawn to how storytellers weave their chaos into one big ‘aha’ moment at the end. Small solutions here and there, happy endings. The process of arriving at that ending is what draws me. So it is no surprise that facts, figures, and other tiny details intrigue me. The allure of unveiling patterns and trends has led me to this field; chaotic data and information are irresistible, and like some of you who love cleaning ASMRs on TikTok, data cleaning does it for me in the same way.

I stumbled upon the Data Science Field a few weeks after Uni. That period when applications were lying everywhere, and every new opportunity seemed like the one. Then came the post, “Data Science Intern”. I was so intrigued because of the word data. With an interest in facts, and figures and a background in Information Science, I figured, this may be it for me, again. Only to go to the requirements and see qualifications being mentioned included statistics, a math background, and analytics… my head was spinning. I thought they just wanted someone to classify the files. Thanks, Records Management 101.

Despite seeing this, I did apply because why not? The worst they can say from my not-so-sufficient library attachment experience is that I applied to the wrong category. I knew they were not going to reach out, so I started researching what Data Science is and how I get to work in this field that claims to be on-demand. Of course, I started altering my CV after learning what Data Science is to fit these requirements. It didn’t help.

Listening to my peers, I could tell I was doing it wrong even with YouTube videos and the little tech knowledge from Uni, hapo singetoboa. So I enrolled in analytics boot camps only to lack the discipline to follow them through and sometimes lack money to pay for the certifications. But here I am, browsing through the Internet village sometime last year, and somehow the ALX ad pops up. By this point, I was just doing it because I had an Excel sheet tracking the opportunities I tried in 2023. It would change my life.

After being #ALXAccepted, it led to a series of serious self-meetings, more research, embracing change, the threat to drop out, and meeting new people who contributed to my being here. (Props to Nila) My initial challenges were mostly rooted in the need for an easy way out and moving on to the role of a data scientist. Of course, I was impractical and cost me my sleep in the first weeks of the Foundations program.

In retrospect, I had underestimated the complexity of the ALX Foundations. The program is intended to ensure learners benefit from an all-rounded approach to entering the job market. And this was the case since I did not ever learn about leading self and peer-to-peer coaching in Uni. It might have been there, but either I zoned out for that class or the delivery was off. Methinks, the latter. And so, learning was more than technical skills; it also focused on soft skills and our mental health. Phew, when I realized this was the approach, I had to take steps back because I was too hurried and hindered my potential and growth. There is a huge relief when you know someone is rooting for you.

One thing with growth is that it loves an open mindset. Completing the analytics track has been pivotal because it is a testament to my determination and resilience. Seriously, I was going to chuck the program in week THREE!!! It has validated this journey in a big way as I feel more confident and ease into related discussions very fast as I know my way around. Genuinely. Armed with this newfound confidence, I aim to approach more complex projects and apply the skills to fingers crossed real-world education projects.

I am on a journey of continuous growth by being open to learning, taking steps back when necessary, and consistently pushing my boundaries. The world of data science is dynamic, and ever-evolving, and I am excited to contribute my narrative to this ever-expanding tapestry of knowledge and discovery. I am on week 3 of learning Python, I get scared sometimes, what with imposter syndrome and her little sister, fear. But, I got this, I know I do. All that to say, beloved, do not skip all the ads. Happy learning!

