On Starting… Hope

Mboche Esther
2 min readJan 15, 2024
Sunrises. Hope.

“Fiiiiine… I’ll do it! (Joyce and my inner voice going off in my head)”

I have been having battles on whether I should start blogging again and a few weeks ago I lost it to that comment above. It has been years since I last wrote a piece longer than thirteen lines of poetry. Time has come to switch things up a bit.

I have always loved the shortened versions of things when expressing myself, or situations that require me to interact with anyone. That is why I am especially drawn to poetry because I only have to speak my mind out in batches and worry less about whether people understand me or not. Now, I understand, there are more serious things than prose.

That said, my life changed last year, and being one drawn to structure and patterns, I had a hard time adjusting for a while. Changes are good; they prove that there is much we can handle if we stop limiting ourselves constantly. I started a Data Science program offered by ALX in May last year that spills over to this year. Keep an eye out for the graduation, aye 😉. As I have mentioned, I am one for short and sweet encounters, always waiting for the ending. It was no different when I joined ALX; the foundation’s program, one taken before embarking on the tech track, challenged us to get out of our comfort zone and get to know our peers. And in the rush to end things, I am thrilled to say that I made two friends by the end of the Foundations, a big win for me.

Here, I felt challenged mostly because I needed to learn how to keep conversations going, and it all felt too formal at first. Thank God for the extroverts who can ease the bubble of uncertainty and weighty awkwardness, and make conversations worth looking forward to.

Purpose of this post. Starting. Soaring. Hope. I just completed the analytics track, and boy, I am excited. I feel confident in a set of things and hopeful that this year evolves beautifully for me. That is why I am showing up here, because I want to share my journey with you guys. It is a beautiful experience, this learning I am doing. I hope to share my highs, lows, exciting bits, poetry, jokes, randoms… a thing or two at least bi-monthly.

So, Let’s do this.

*Joyce(a friend) uses the same statement when convincing herself that her decision is valid.(Sometimes they aren’t). Thank you. Please pass my regards to Jess.

